Outdoor Workout camp

Themed outdoor functional training, for our oldest campers!

Join us and experience the Funside camp atmosphere this autumn! We have a great new location, the Várgesztes Villapark, for you this fall. The camp offers exciting and varied activities for 10-17 year olds, from creative workshops to excursion tours and fun sports competitions.

About the education

We will also bring our Outdoor Workout classes to our campers this autumn. All those who take part in our outdoor functional training can improve their mental and physical condition with exercises and thematic workouts covering several muscle groups in different environment every day. The outdoor surroundings and the variety it provides is not only physically but also mentally refreshing, and the training and learning together strengthens the bond between participants.

What’s in store for you? Our instructors will lead you through a structured, pre-designed, thematic (circuit) training, with strength-building, mobilisation, agility and endurance themes. The week will also cover the theory behind developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, as well as fun competitions.

Which classes can be combined with?

You can choose 2 different classes from the list below for the Autumn Camp (e.g. Outdoor Workout + Autumn Sports class).

Free time games and activities

Weekly schedule

More information

Language of the classes

Hungarian, English

Age limits

12 - 16

Teacher to children ratio

1 to 5


In groups of 3 to 5 kids




Full board, special dietary meals available

Prices and application deadlines

The price below is the basic camp fee, which includes a combination of two classes with a basic fee, if you choose a classes with an extra fee, the higher fee will be added to the basic fee. For more details, please see the prices page.

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