Funside Lupa Beach bus service information

All information about the bus service to Funside Lupa Beach camp!

Information about Funside Lupa Bus

If your child will take the Funside Lupa Bus to the camp, then please pay attention to these time schedules:


Morning – from Budapest to the camp:

Departure: 7:30 – Westend city center – in front of the Vapiano restaurant

First stop: 7:40 – Göncz Árpád Városközpont station (26 bus station)

Second stop: 7:45 – Flórián square – Raktár street

Arrival: 8:00 – 8:10 – Lupa Beach Parking spot


Afternoon – from the camp to Budapest:

Departure: 16:30 – Lupa Beach Parking spot

First stop: 16:45 – Flórián square – Raktár street

Second stop: 16:50 – Göncz Árpád Városközpont station (26 bus station)

Arrival: 17:00 – Westend city center – in front of the Vapiano restaurant


We would like to kindly ask you, to arrive at the bus stop 5-10 minutes earlier than the indicated time slots, beacuse the bus can only stop for a few minutes, it won’t be possible to wait for a long time. If you miss the bus, then you will have to come to the Lupa Beach by on your own. 

Below you can find maps and pictures with the exact bus stops!

If you have missed the bus, you can call our Camp Director on this number: + 36 70 6241244 


Morning – to the camp:

Departure: 7:30 – Westend city center – in front of the Vapiano restaurant


First stop: 7:40 – Göncz Árpád Városközpont station (26 bus station)

Second stop: 7:45 – Flórián square – Raktár street


Arrival: 8:00-8:10 – Lupa Beach Parking spot


Afternoon – back to Budapest:

Departure: 16:30 – Lupa Beach Parking spot

First stop: 16:45 – Flórián square – Raktár street

Second stop: 16:50 Göncz árpád Városközpont station (26 bus station)

Arrival: 17:00 – Westend city center – in front of the Vapiano restaurant

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