Funside Balaton 2018 has started!

Funside Balaton 2018 has started!

During the first days of Funside Balaton 2018 Scavenger Hunt, Color Run and Aquapark afternoon made our days, while now we prepare for Thursday evening: Funside World Cup final.

Using the semi-finalists of FIFA World Cup, we’ve made mixed groups of younger and older campers as France, Belgium, England and Croatia to fight together as teams of diversity. They started to collect points during the crowd-favourite Scavenger Hunt, where  – among many others – they wrote fan songs to chant, created hand-made World Cup trophies, went through a football-themed obstacle course and also hunt for signatures. On Thursday kids will have the chance to collect more points during Funside Olympics and also by winning the Funside World Cup.

Beyond the sport related programs of our first week, Funside calssics were also organized just like Color Run, Color Party or Game Night & Campfire – the latter with Dance Central and Carpool Karaoke.

On World Records Night kids had the chance to break funny Guinnes Records or at least the Funside records of those. We also visited the Aquapark of Sárvár with several waterslides, various types of pools in- and outside, thermal spa and 4 hours of fun.

To end the week kids will have the chance to try out new classes on Reversed Day, while in the evening Presentations are going to held and the Closing Night with a great party.

Get an insight of the first week of Funside by our Facebook gallery!     

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