Programming: Harry Potter Summer Day Camp

This class is not available this year, however, we have many similar camps you may be interested in: see the full list here and here.

Two classes in one week! Our camp at Szent Gellért Square offers a huge variety of activities: in addition to English and many IT activities, this year we also have 3 sports classes for our campers! After the morning sessions, we will have exciting outdoor programmes every afternoon.

About the education

In Funside's programming classes, our campers build their own, digital, programmable wands, which they can use to spark a fire, multiply goblets, enchant brooms or even compose music. Using the official Harry Potter Kano programming kit, they can progress through a package containing 70 different challenges while learning the basics of block-programming. This way, they not only improve their skills, but also get the chance to experience the world of Harry Potter.We are using the Harry Potter programming tools of KANO, a British ed-tech start-up. If you want to learn more about them, read a review by Rakéta.hu here.Competence: preliminary coding experience is not required, but confidence in reading and writing is essential. The programming language we use is based on an English language software, so a minimal English knowledge is recommended.You may choose one more activity to go along with this – please see the various options depending on the venue.

Which classes can be combined with?

You can choose 2 different classes from the list below for each week of camp (e.g. Programming: Harry Potter + English Language class).

Free time games and activities

More information

Language of the classes


Age limits

Teacher to children ratio

1 to 5


In groups of 2 to 4 kids



Gellért square


Full board, special dietary meals available

Prices and application deadlines

The Sq. Gellért camp fee

A feltűntetett Early Bird ár 2023.04.30-ig érvényes, azt követően táborunk díja: 79 900 Ft lesz. A Funside SZÉP Kártya elfogadóhely. A testvérkedvezményről, további részletekről az árak oldalon olvashat.

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camps@funside.hu +36 70 512 12 45