New at Funside Budapest: programming and updated robotics classes

New at Funside Budapest: programming and updated robotics classes

Our Robotics classes feature an all new curriculum this year, built on the renowned LEGO Education platform, while for the first time ever, we offer Programming classes as well. For the first time at our Budapest day camp, programming classes are available all summer: our campers will be learning how to code in a playful way, using Scratch and…

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Photos and videos from the End-of-Summer Party

Photos and videos from the End-of-Summer Party

We had a record turnout on Friday, when over 200 campers, parents and camp counselors gathered at our Budapest venue to celebrate to the end of summer with us. Over 200 people came to our annual event which marks the end of camp season, with many more following from home thanks to our live Facebook…

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Photos and videos from the End-of-Summer Party

Photos and videos from the End-of-Summer Party

We had a record turnout on Friday, when over 200 campers, parents and camp counselors gathered at our Budapest venue to celebrate to the end of summer with us. Over 200 people came to our annual event which marks the end of camp season, with many more following from home thanks to our live Facebook…

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Funside End-of-Summer Party 2016: see you again before the summer is over!


Our annual End-of-Summer Party is here on August 26 at our Budapest venue, to allow our campers to meet one last time before camp season is over. Every year since 2009 we have closed the summer season with the Funside End-of-Summer Party, the aim of which is to allow our campers to see their camp friends again, facilitating…

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Big things in store for our anniversary year!


Changes at our venue and a brand new class coming up for our 10th anniversary camp in Budapest. Registration starts on February 24. Our Funside Budapest day camp first opened its doors in 2007: back then, English and Tennis were the only classes and our team of teachers was much smaller than today. Now that the…

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Join the Funside Staff this summer


The 2016 summer camp application process is now officially underway: apply to join Hungary’s leading summer camp as an ESL Teacher, drama teacher or coach. Once again we are on the hunt for the best camp counselors for our teams at the Funside Balaton sleepover camp, as well as our day camp team in the city…

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New at Funside: after school English classes at our Budapest venue


After close to 10 years of teaching English at our popular summer programs, we are introducing after school classes for children at our Budapest location. Starting in February, students can join one of our English courses at our Villanyi street venue in Budapest, held by that same teachers that make our summer camps as great…

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