Balaton News

Registration begins for Funside Balaton 2018!

Registration begins for Funside Balaton 2018!

The Funside Balaton overnight camp is coming for all 5 weeks of the usual summer period, with all our 20 different classes returning, plus 2 new ones! Registration starts on February 21! All of our 20 different classes from last year will be available again at our overnight camp for the summer of 2018, and…

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Week 5 Theme: Camp’s Got Talent

Week 5 Theme: Camp’s Got Talent

Campers can organize their own dream activities and try each other’s during the final week of Funside Balaton 2018! Week 5 is this year’s Battle of the Teams week, when groups battle for points through multiple fun activities throughout the week to win the ultimate prize, the traditional Funside Trophy. This week also features our newest…

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Week 4 Theme: Rock & Roll

Week 4 Theme: Rock & Roll

Music has always played an important part in our camps, but for the first time in Funside history, we are dedicating a weekly theme solely to pop & rock music! Incorporating musical elements into our camp program is no stranger to us, but this time many afternoon and evening activities will revolve mainly around music….

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Week 3 Theme: Wizarding School

Week 3 Theme: Wizarding School

The 3rd week of Funside Balaton 2018 will be a little different from the others, as this time we start our journey from Platform 9 ¾…   This is the first time in Funside Balaton’s history, when a previous camp theme returns for another year: Wizarding School is back again by popular demand! Like every…

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Week 2 Theme: Movie Stars’ Week

Week 2 Theme: Movie Stars’ Week

Glossy Hollywood and the battle of our rising stars – this is what the 2nd week of Funside Balaton 2018 is all about. We bring the American dream to Hungary, as our campers can feel like real movie stars for a week at our camp by Lake Balaton. Right after Sunday afternoon’s introductory Group activities, our…

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Week 1 Theme: Funside World Cup 2018

Week 1 Theme: Funside World Cup 2018

Our 2018 camp season starts with an action-packed week – the Funside World Cup, a trip to the Aqua Park, the Funside Olympics and the Color Run are all featured! Groups will need plenty of team spirit during our World Cup-themed opening week, coinciding with the final week of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, but…

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Registration for Funside Balaton closing soon

Registration for Funside Balaton closing soon

Only a month into the registration process, we are down to our last remaining places at our Balaton camp. The registration period is nearing its end as most of our Funside Balaton sessions are expecting to completely fill up within the next couple of days. This is a new record for us: our sessions have…

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Work with us this summer: jobs at Funside

Work with us this summer: jobs at Funside

If you have experience teaching English as a second language and like to be part of a friendly team, Funside is the place for you this summer! Applications are now open for positions at both Funside Balaton, our overnight camp at Lake Balaton, as well as at our day camp in the capital city, Funside…

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