Balaton News

Registration for this year’s camp starts on February 24

Summer camp season is fast approaching, with 20 different classes and several new activities at Funside Balaton this year. Signing up begins on February 24. This year’s Funside Balaton sleepover camp takes place at the usual Balatongyorok venue at Lake Balaton, from July 3 to August 6, through five weeks (click here for the dates of…

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Join the Funside Staff this summer

The 2016 summer camp application process is now officially underway: apply to join Hungary’s leading summer camp as an ESL Teacher, drama teacher or coach. Once again we are on the hunt for the best camp counselors for our teams at the Funside Balaton sleepover camp, as well as our day camp team in the city…

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Week 5 Activities: Olympics Week

In time for the Olympics in Rio, we are holding our own Funside Olympics, during Week 5, which also includes the Aqua Park a new Lip Dub video shoot. The fifth and final session of this year’s Funside Balaton camp will be the Olympics Week, as the last days of the camp happen to coincide with the first…

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Week 4 Activities: World Records Week

After two successful record attempts in the past two years, we’re going for three in a row, but there will also be time for Funside Funfair, Lasertag and Beach Party. The popular Records Week is already a Week 4 tradition at Funside, so this time we are attempting to break a new local record. Our campers still…

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Week 3 Activities: Battle of the Teams

Week 3 highlights include the Aqua Park and the Light Show, as well as a week-long competition between team spanning several exciting activities. Teamwork és cooperation will be front and center during Week 3’s team tournaments, when groups compete for exciting prizes and badges through a number of different fun games. The challenges will be kicked…

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Week 2 Activities: Star Wars Week

Funside takes on the Dark Side: Week 2 highlights include Star Wars Day, Galactic Lasertag Battle and the Invisible Planet! Following up from Week 1, Sunday night will still be about the Euro 2016 Championships and a live showing of the Finals, with face paint, predictions and other surprises to put everyone into cheering mode! After…

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