General Terms and Conditions for the Funside Balaton camp
1. As the parent or legal guardian of the child/children attending the camp (hereinafter referred to as: Parent), I hereby declare that my Child can attend – during the given time period and under the conditions stated below – the Funside Balaton Summer Camp (located at Györöki Ifitábor, Balatongyörök, Hungary and outside locations). I understand that my Child can attend the camp only with my explicit permission and under the conditions stated below.
2. The Organizers of the Camp declare that they will act to the best of their knowledge to ensure the quality of the education and activities provided to the Child. By signing the General Terms and Conditions, the Organizers of the Camp also declare that in the given period they will provide the participants of the Camp three meals a day, as well as beverages. The Organizers of the Camp declare that the Child may not leave the Camp in the absence of the Parents or without the explicit request or permission of the Parent. The Child may only be picked up from the Camp by the Parent or legal guardian, or any third person authorized by them. The Organizers of the Camp are only responsible as far as the obligations stated in the Camp Policy are concerned; in any other cases the responsibility relies solely on the Parent. Under the Civil Code of the Hungarian State, the Parent is liable for any possible damages to the Camp’s equipment or premises caused by the Child.
The Parent acknowledges that certain classes or activities, as outlined in the announced schedule, take place outside the camp premises. Surfing, SUP, and sailing activities are conducted from the Becehegy beach and are organized and carried out by Funside Association’s partners, Wind Sport Club Association and Windsurf Camp Ltd. Golf activities take place at the Zala Springs Golf Resort and are conducted by an external service provider.
3. Due to Hungarian laws (Népjóléti Minisztérium 12/1991. V. 18.) parents of participating children must provide the necessary medical information proving that the child or children are medically fit for the camp activities at the start of the camp and does not suffer from a communicable disease at the start of the camp. The Camp Organizers will provide the Parent with the above declaration form, which the Parent must fill in and sign, and give to the Organizers before the start of the camp. Failure to provide a medical consent form or a false statement on the completed form may result in exclusion from the camp, in which case no refund will be given. The Camp Organizers reserve the right, regardless of the information on the declaration, if at any time at the beginning of the session or during the session, symptoms of communicable diseases are detected in the Child, including but not limited to those on the declaration, the Child will be excluded from the camp in accordance with the National Center for Public Health’s guidelines for camping, in order to protect the community and the individual, and will be turned over to the Parent. In such cases, the Camp Director on site may act on behalf of the Camp Organizers. The same applies in cases where there is an injury or other medical condition which makes the continuation of the camping activity dangerous to the Child’s health. If a Child interrupts the camp for medical reasons, but his/her condition improves during the session, the Child may resume the camp if the Parent provides a valid doctor’s note certifying to the Camp Director that the Child is no longer suffering from a communicable disease and is medically fit to attend the camp. If the Child permanently ends the camping period prematurely for medical reasons, the current refund rules apply.
The Parent declares that he/she is not aware of any other illness, allergy or food sensitivity or special educational needs of his/her Child that he/she has not indicated on the Sign-up Form or the Health Declaration; the Camp Organizers shall not be liable for any illness not listed therein and any consequences thereof. By allowing your child into the Community, you accept the possibility that, even with the greatest care, the possibility of infection or injury cannot be excluded with absolute certainty; if a camper becomes ill during the Camp and is required to leave the Camp or spend part of the day isolated on the Camp site, the Camp Organizers shall not be liable and the illness shall not be grounds for an extraordinary refund of the Camp fee. By signing this T&C, the Parent acknowledges and declares that his/her Child participates in the sports programmes at his/her own risk; the Camp Organizers are also not liable for any injuries resulting from this.
By signing this T&C, the Parent certifies to the Camp Organizers that the child has valid Hungarian TAJ social insurance coverage or a valid European Health Insurance Card. If neither is true, then the Child must have valid private health insurance for the duration of the camp, which also covers the sports classes chosen during the camp. Failing this, the Child may be excluded from the camp. If any payment is due to a health care provider or other facility as a result of or in connection with any health care services that may be incurred during the camp, the Parent shall be responsible for such payment. If the Camp pays the payment on behalf of the Parent during the administration of the Camp, the Parent shall settle the payment with the Camp by the end of the given session. The camp cannot be held responsible if the insurer refuses to cover medical expenses for any reason.
Special meals: by registering, Parents accept that campers eat in the same areas as their peers, so even in the case of cross-contamination-free meals prepared in a separate kitchen, it is not 100% certain that gluten or other allergens are not in the air.
4A. Cancellation policy:
If a camper becomes ill or is otherwise unable to attend their session—and if their canceled spot cannot be filled by another camper, the following refund terms apply due to non-recoverable costs such as venue rental, pre-ordered meals, and other upfront expenses:
For cancellations received in writing by 5:00 PM on the Monday two weeks prior to the session start, 95% of the camp fee will be refunded (only 5% will be deducted as an administrative fee). Instead of a refund, you may opt to transfer your full payment toward a later session without incurring an administrative fee.
Late cancellations:
- For cancellations received between 5:00 PM on the Monday two weeks prior to the session start and 5:00 PM on the Wednesday before the session start, 80% of the camp fee will be refunded.
- After that, for cancellations received by 5:00 PM on the Saturday before the session start, 50% of the camp fee will be refunded.
- No refunds will be provided after this point—including cases where campers fail to show up at the start of their session. If a camper leaves after starting their session, no refund will be issued.
For changes or cancellations involving premium activities (in case the session is kept, but a premium class is canceled by the camper): a full refund for premium class fees is available if canceled by 5:00 PM on the Monday two weeks prior to the session start. After this point, by Wednesday at 5:00 PM before the session starts, an 80% refund is issued; by Saturday at 5:00 PM before the session starts, a 50% refund is issued; no refunds are available after this time. Premium activities are defined as those with fees differing from standard rates.
For group bus group cancellations (in case the session is kept, but the bus transportation is canceled by the camper): the camper is entitled to a 100% refund if the cancellation is made by Monday two weeks before the session begins. After this deadline, the refund amount decreases as follows: 80% refund for cancellations made by Wednesday before the session starts, 50% refund for cancellations made from Thursday to Saturday before the session starts, then no refund is provided for cancellations or no-shows on the day the session begins.
*If the camper’s spot is successfully filled from the waiting list, or if the camper—after informing the camp organizers in advance—transfers their spot to another camper who does not already have a valid registration for that session (and this new camper pays the camp fee in full), only 5% of the base camp fee will be deducted as an administrative fee (to cover banking and administrative costs). The remaining amount of the base camp fee will be refunded to the original payer via bank transfer within 30 calendar days. For premium activities, refunds are only possible if the new camper filling the spot selects the same premium activity. It is important to contact our team as soon as possible to facilitate these arrangements.
Cancellations must always be confirmed in writing; the timing of the written cancellation will determine the applicable refund amount. Refunds are issued via bank transfer within 30 calendar days to the original payer’s account.
If a camper becomes ill during their stay and must leave or isolate at camp due to illness, no extraordinary refund will be provided. If authorities impose quarantine measures preventing continued participation after starting camp, this does not entitle participants to extraordinary refunds.
If multiple sessions were purchased using a “additional week discount” and the full-price first session is canceled, eligibility for the discount is forfeited. The refund amount will be adjusted accordingly, taking this into account.
Starting camp while sick is not advisable—please contact organizers for support in finding suitable solutions.
4B. Cancellation guarantee (optionally available):
The cancellation guarantee provides more favourable conditions in case of a late cancellation than the traditional cancellation conditions that have been in place for years. In case of cancellation in the days before the camp session, for example, instead of a partial refund of the camp fee, it offers other options, such as choosing another session or using the camp fee for a later session (the conditions depend on the time of cancellation).
For cancellations received in writing by 5:00 PM on the Monday two weeks prior to the session start, 95% of the camp fee will be refunded (only 5% will be deducted as an administrative fee). Instead of a refund, you may opt to transfer your full payment toward a later session without incurring an administrative fee.
Special terms in case of late cancellations:
- In the event of a written cancellation received between 5:00 PM on the Monday two weeks prior to the session start and 5:00 PM on the Wednesday before the session starts, instead of the traditional 80% refund of the camp fee, you may choose one of the following options: you can switch to a later session within the same summer without any additional payment (subject to availability), or you will receive a voucher equal to the full amount of the camp fee paid, which can be used for participation in a camp organized in the following calendar year.
- For cancellations received in writing by 5:00 PM on the Saturday before the session starts, instead of the traditional 50% refund of the camp fee, you may choose one of the following options: you can switch to a later session within the same summer with only a 10% surcharge of the base camp fee (subject to availability), or you will receive a voucher equal to 90% of the total camp fee paid, which can be used for participation in a camp organized in the following calendar year. If a camper is required to leave the camp due to a violation of the Camp Policy (Camp Rules), no refund, transfer to another session, or voucher will be provided (see Section 4C).
- For cancellations made by 12:00 PM (midday) on the second day (Monday) of the session (when traditionally no refund is provided) or in case of early but permanent departure from that session, you may choose: a voucher equal to 50% of the total camp fee paid, which can be used for participation in a camp organized in the following calendar year.
- If you leave the camp for any reason after this point, no refund will be provided.
Additional Terms:
- A cancellation guarantee can only be used once. If it is used to switch sessions or receive a voucher for a future session, it cannot be applied again to the new session.
- The cancellation guarantee must be purchased when registering for a specific session and cannot be added later. It is not available for registrations submitted within two weeks before the session start.
- The cancellation guarantee fee for 2025 is HUF 10,000 or EUR 26 per person per session. Each guarantee is tied to a specific camper and session (as indicated on the invoice) and cannot be transferred or reused for another session.
- The cancellation guarantee always applies to the entire session (including the following fees for additional services: premium classes and bus transportation), and is valid only in cases where the entire session is canceled. Therefore, the cancellation guarantee cannot be used if the session itself is not canceled but only an additional service (premium classes or bus transportation) is canceled individually.
4C. Leaving camp due to being expelled for Camp Policy violations:
In the event of repeated or even a single severe violation of the Camp Rules, the organizers reserve the right to exclude the camper from the camp and send them home at their own discretion. In such cases, it is the parents’ responsibility to arrange the camper’s transportation home, and no refund of the session fee, even partial, will be provided. The organizers also reserve the right to deny future participation to the camper due to misconduct or violations of the Camp Rules. It is the responsibility of both the Parent and the Camper to familiarize themselves with and adhere to the Camp Policy (Camp Rules), which can be accessed on the camp’s website or in printed form at the camp location.
5. If the Camp Organizers are unable to hold a session for reasons within their control (excluding force majeure events), the full session fee will be refunded. Alternatively, upon request, the fee can be credited toward another session.
6. Any photos or videos taken at the Camp are the property of the Camp. The Camp maintains all the rights. The parents accept that photos may be taken at programs or activities where the child participates. The parent may ask for any photo featuring the camper to be removed from publishing or be deleted.
7. Campers must not have any medications, especially prescription drugs, in their possession during the camp, they must not take any drugs without the explicit knowledge of Camp Management and must not give medications to other campers under any circumstances. In order to ensure this, it is strictly forbidden to bring any drugs to camp without first notifying Camp Management (violation of these rules will result in the parents baring full responsibility for the consequences of any such action).
9. Bringing valuable items, equipment, or cash to the camp is at the camper’s own risk. The Camp Organizers do not assume responsibility for these valuables, even if the camper hands them over to a third party and damage or loss occurs as a result.
10. The Funside Balaton camp is organized by the Funside Association for the members of its camping community. By attending camps organized by Funside Association, the Child receives a supporting membership, or in case of a previous membership an extension of such membership, of the association, valid until the end of the given calendar year.
11. The Camp Sign-up (Registration) Form, as filled out by a parent or other legal representative of the Child electronically, is part of the General Terms and Conditions. Parents are responsible of the validity of the information provided about the Child on the Form.
12. The Camp Policy is part of the General Terms and Conditions. The Parent verifies with his or her signature that he or she and the Child have read and understood the Camp Policy. The Camp Policy can be found on webpage of the Camp and is directly available to any parent on request.
The camp fees may be paid in cash, via bank transfer or by debit or credit card. The debit or credit card payments are processed through Barion.
The present General Terms and Conditions is the official translation of the original document, written in the Hungarian language. In case of any disputes, the original the General Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
Valid from: January 1, 2025.