Week 5 Theme: 10 years of Funside Balaton

Week 5 Theme: 10 years of Funside Balaton

2 years in Fonyódliget, 1 in Zánka, and we can barely believe that this is our 7th season already in Balatongyörök. In our fifth week, it’s all about nostalgia and celebration: in our 10th anniversary week, we brought back the best activities of the decade for you to discover and remember all the fun we’ve had together through the years!

We’ll bring back The Battle of the Teams for this year, so it could be you who bring the Funside Trophy home in our jubilee week. And who knows, if we work together, we may break a national record for a 6th time…

Since 2012, going to the Aquapark was one of the most anticipated days in Funside. This won’t change for the anniversary week: we’ll be making our way back to Sárvár to spend another afternoon of pools and waterslides! Our 2016 classic, the Scavenger Hunt will also return, as well as our colourful team competition, the Color War of 2019. We won’t forget about our Balatongyörök Special, the Beach Party, and to top it all off, we will try to break another Hungarian record on Thursday – stay tuned to find out, how will we go into the books!

Don’t worry, the 5th week won’t be just “old, boring stuff”: we’ve prepared new activities for each and every evening! The Fusion Night will feature the best games from 10 years of game nights, and we also revolutionized our Activity Nights with Pictionary Air, a new device which enables you to draw in air and have your teammates guess the words based on what they see on screen. On Thursday, we’ll bring you the first ever Bubble Run: a night run that turns into a foam party at the end! And finally, something you’ve surely never seen before: we’ll be hosting the first ever Funside Ball, where a night of luxury will wrap up our 10th year spent together.  

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